College Admissions Coaching
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I'll personalize your experience and meet you and your student where you are in the process.
Our Focus
10th- 11th grade -- college search, course selection, laying the groundwork for the applications process, extra curricular advice and honors/scholarship opportunities
I help a wide variety of students, but areas of specialty include:
Actors/music theatre (BFA, BA or just enthusiasts)
Musicians/Singers (BMus, BA or nonmajor musicians)
STEM magnet students
ADHD students
11th grade is the time to start meeting regularly to address aspects of college selection and prepare for the college application process. There are so many aspects involved in selecting a good range of schools for all the criteria important to the student. Also, during this year, students want to consider building extra curricular and honors, bodies of work for portfolios and all the supplementary aspects that may be involved with applying to certain schools, particularly programs that have an applied component like music, engineering, theatre, film or visual art. An athlete hoping to compete in varsity sports in college will need to connect with coaches and set up a profile during junior year. Recommended services: 4-6 sessions by the end of junior year, possibly a few extra research hours to explore colleges and awards opportunities.